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Friday, December 16, 2011

Goin' Goan

So, I have to admit that I was slightly disappointed when we first reached Dwarka resort on Cola Beach in South Goa. We were spending an awful lot of money for some simple thatch-and-reed huts and no hot water. I guess that's what you pay for when you sign up for an eco cottage resort! But I realized after a day what a gorgeous spot this was - fresh water lagoon on one side (perfect for young children) and ocean (with strong currents) on the other side. And Dwarka proved to be an ideal place to relax, especially since there was barely a bar on my mobile phone and no Wi-Fi in sight. If you want the quieter Goa, come to this place. Not only is the setting mind-numbing, the variety and quality of the meals (always a seafood entree for every meal) will instantaneously give you food coma thanks to their superb chef John. Thanks again to Sidu and staff for making our entry into Southern India a warm one.

Pick a side: lagoon or ocean?
Our digs, cottage I

View from our cottage
Tranquil lagoon

The cherry on the sundae: another family staying in the resort who had a three year old boy from California! In typical three year old fashion, playing and fighting in equal measure.

(Conversation between Alex and H outside our cottage)
H: You want to play with me girlfriend?
A: I'm not your girlfriend. Don't call me girlfriend! Call me Alex.

Morning boat trip
Bring on the dolphins!

(Conversation between Alex and H on the boat)
H: (holding onto the side of the boat) I'm scared.
A: Don't be scared, just hold my hand.

Big buffets for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Goan bebinca

And just in case you get bored (which is the idea, anyway) you can always amuse yourself watching the many Russian girls posing for each other's cameras.

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